World Famous Country Breakfast
World Famous Country Breakfast
World Famous Country Breakfast with Speaker Meeting following at 11:30 AM
2670 Ave. D, San Leon, TX 77539
Club will be open 30 minutes before and after each meeting
World Famous Country Breakfast with Speaker Meeting following at 11:30 AM
Hosted by the WOWC. Every Sunday at 11:30am, following our WORLD FAMOUS COUNTRY BREAKFAST, come on out to hear amazing speakers from various 12 step fellowships.
We’re proud to provide a safe and welcoming space for The Cliffside Group - District 81 of Alcoholics Anonymous. These meetings offer encouragement, understanding, and support for those walking the […]
Join us for WOW! It Works, our WEEKLY WOMEN'S MEETING at our beautiful new home at 2670 Avenue D, San Leon, TX 77539! 📅 When: Every Wednesday beginning December […]